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December 04, 2003 - 9:11 a.m. -

Who knew you could wake up a cow with a bell?

Scary Dan and I watch the Simple life last night. How funny. I almost peed my pants of course we were having a

Good Old Time

When Paris said, "$42 bucks for all that work?" both of us just lost it. It's no wonder I was so fat when we were dating. I made him 2 chicken sandwiches and asked him "are you done eating?" his reply "are you done feeding me?" Apparently not. I made deepfried cheese sticks not once, but twice. Why is it that I always seem to be hungry around Scary Dan? I have one more case of those left over from the Weenie Wagon hopefully I can get the men folk in my life to eat them before the New Year.

Driving to work today, there were 3 police cars parked by his house and another across the street. Luckily it was just a speed trap and since I do not drive like Unordinary-1 the next Mario Andretti, I didn't get a ticket alhough the person in front of me did. Man that has got to suck.
It's busy today. I hate it when I have to work.
Lately, my unwillingness to fuck over my co-workers has been waning.
~ Idiot-milk ~

I came here to do two things, work and kick some ass. I'm done working.
~ SaveCraig ~

You'd think that after ten years of heavy drinking, I'd realize that keeping a bedroom littered with empty beer cans only makes it harder to find where you put your beer down at 9 in the morning.
~ Sturge ~

Anybody got a younger sister in St. Louis that I can unload in her mouth a few times over the next week?
~ Spanklin ~

Todd is taking a CPR class all day today but stopped by at lunch time. He was saying that we all would be safe when he was around. I said, "not if your the one writhing on the floor, then you will be wishing that I took the class". TheNewGuy is still learning the job, he keeps asking me questions. He had me change a password for him and told me that I was 10 times faster than Todd. My job is to make my job easier, if there is an easier way to do something you can bet your mother's panties that I've found it. They are swapping my pc out for a new one so I've been trying to clean off my hard drive.
Needing an adjustment in my meds apparently today.

I just got off a call where I was remote controlling a user's pc. He was asking where the icon was that he couldn't find and I was pointing on MY monitor where it was so he could see it.

    Can't you see my finger?

Christ on a cracker. ~ Lorster ~

And it made me realize, I don't mind throwing up
~ Satellitebob ~

For Don:
Dream of me tonight baby cakes you know you want some of this.

I'm still debating with myself if I should call TheGeneral or not tonight. I'm feeling bloated so I may wait until later or I could just show up at The DogBar Friday night and see if he is there hitting on any other skanks. . I never know what I'm going to do until I do it.
Fucking TheNewGuy is pretty close to getting an eye-stabbing reading over my shoulder..go to your own inappropriate sites you bastard and quit sneaking up behind me. I need to get one of those mirror things so I can see him sneaking up. Fuck.
Finally someone else who admits to enjoying that show. Paris is rich, stupid, the color of a carrot, and if you took her dinner she'd get full off of a saltine cracker. I love her. gutterpoet
Awwwwwwwww man, ya mean I missed that new show? Dammit! I'd heard so much about it but then I ended up forgettin' all about it. Thaaaaaaaaaat's ME! Just call me BrainDead. Idiot that I am.
Having money doesn't involve having intelligence just ask Jessica Simpson.

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December 04, 2003
Who knew you could wake up a cow with a bell?
Scary Dan and I watch the Simple life last night. How funny. I almost peed my pants of course we were having a

Good Old Time

When Paris said, "$42 bucks for all that work?" both of us just lost it. It's no wonder I was so fat when we were dating. I made him 2 chicken sandwiches and asked him "are you done eating?" his reply "are you done feeding me?" Apparently not. I made deepfried cheese sticks not once, but twice. Why is it that I always seem to be hungry around Scary Dan? I have one more case of those left over from the Weenie Wagon hopefully I can get the men folk in my life to eat them before the New Year.

Driving to work today, there were 3 police cars parked by his house and another across the street. Luckily it was just a speed trap and since I do not drive like Unordinary-1 the next Mario Andretti, I didn't get a ticket alhough the person in front of me did. Man that has got to suck.
It's busy today. I hate it when I have to work.
Lately, my unwillingness to fuck over my co-workers has been waning.
~ Idiot-milk ~

I came here to do two things, work and kick some ass. I'm done working.
~ SaveCraig ~

You'd think that after ten years of heavy drinking, I'd realize that keeping a bedroom littered with empty beer cans only makes it harder to find where you put your beer down at 9 in the morning.
~ Sturge ~

Anybody got a younger sister in St. Louis that I can unload in her mouth a few times over the next week?
~ Spanklin ~

Todd is taking a CPR class all day today but stopped by at lunch time. He was saying that we all would be safe when he was around. I said, "not if your the one writhing on the floor, then you will be wishing that I took the class". TheNewGuy is still learning the job, he keeps asking me questions. He had me change a password for him and told me that I was 10 times faster than Todd. My job is to make my job easier, if there is an easier way to do something you can bet your mother's panties that I've found it. They are swapping my pc out for a new one so I've been trying to clean off my hard drive.
Needing an adjustment in my meds apparently today.

I just got off a call where I was remote controlling a user's pc. He was asking where the icon was that he couldn't find and I was pointing on MY monitor where it was so he could see it.

Christ on a cracker. ~ Lorster ~

And it made me realize, I don't mind throwing up
~ Satellitebob ~

For Don:
Dream of me tonight baby cakes you know you want some of this.

I'm still debating with myself if I should call TheGeneral or not tonight. I'm feeling bloated so I may wait until later or I could just show up at The DogBar Friday night and see if he is there hitting on any other skanks. . I never know what I'm going to do until I do it.
Fucking TheNewGuy is pretty close to getting an eye-stabbing reading over my shoulder..go to your own inappropriate sites you bastard and quit sneaking up behind me. I need to get one of those mirror things so I can see him sneaking up. Fuck.
Finally someone else who admits to enjoying that show. Paris is rich, stupid, the color of a carrot, and if you took her dinner she'd get full off of a saltine cracker. I love her. gutterpoet
Awwwwwwwww man, ya mean I missed that new show? Dammit! I'd heard so much about it but then I ended up forgettin' all about it. Thaaaaaaaaaat's ME! Just call me BrainDead. Idiot that I am.
Having money doesn't involve having intelligence just ask Jessica Simpson.